Interstitial Cystitis (IC)
Interstitial Cystitis is a bladder condition that usually consists of multiple symptoms. Most IC patients have recurring pelvis pain/pressure, discomfort in the bladder and pelvic region, and urinary frequency.
IC may also refer to painful bladders syndrome (PBS), bladder pain syndrome (BPS), and chronic pelvic pain.
Types of IC
Researchers continue to study IC and investigate why IC symptoms can be different in different patients. Many believe that there may be additional subtypes, called phenotypes, of IC. This also helps to explain why there is such disparity in how IC patients respond to treatments.
Currently, there are two recognized subtypes of IC: non-ulcerative and ulcerative.
Non-ulcerative: 90% of IC patients have the non-ulcerative form of IC. Non-ulcerative IC presents with pinpoint hemorrhages, also known as glomerulations, in the bladder wall. However, these are not specific for IC and any inflammation of the bladder can give that appearance.
Ulcerative: 5 to 10% of IC patients have the ulcerative form of IC. These patients usually have ulcers or patches, which are red, bleeding areas of the bladder wall.
The Lung Center of America Difference
At LCOA, we investigate and treat the cause of the symptoms, not just the symptoms.
LCOA provides safe, proven, and effective treatment protocols—individualized for each patient.
Dr. Wagshul’s patients are rarely admitted to hospitals or need emergency treatment for breathing problems.
Call us today to set up a consultation! 866-844-5262